Interface RendererInterface


Fully Qualified Name: Laminas\View\Renderer\RendererInterface


Interface class for Laminas\View\Renderer\* compatible template engine implementations


Name Description Defined By
getEngine() Return the template engine object, if any RendererInterface
render() Processes a view script and returns the output. RendererInterface
setResolver() Set the resolver used to map a template name to a resource the renderer may consume. RendererInterface

Method Details


Return the template engine object, if any

If using a third-party template engine, such as Smarty, patTemplate, phplib, etc, return the template engine object. Useful for calling methods on these objects, such as for setting filters, modifiers, etc.

Returns: mixed


Processes a view script and returns the output.

Parameter Name Type Description
$nameOrModel string|\ModelInterface The
$values null|array|\ArrayAccess Values

Returns: string The script output.


Set the resolver used to map a template name to a resource the renderer may consume.

Parameter Name Type Description
$resolver \ResolverInterface

Returns: \RendererInterface
